Wednesday, 11 April 2018

English Language (Speak The Right Way) in Malaysia

There is no denying the fact that knowledge of English language is becoming an inevitable necessity each day.
It is also equally true that no one can claim to be an expert in any language without mastering the rules of that particularlanguage.
One may be a good writer and a good reader also, but he may not be able to speak fluently.
Some persons are of the view that the more the command over written English, the more the command over spoken English.
Some opine that the world of spoken English is far different from that of written English.
There may be some truth in both these opinions but the fact cannot be denied that after one has learnt to speak some English, one must master the rules of, at least, fundamental grammar so that one can speak and write flawlessly, otherwise the basic objective of speaking or writing accurate English shall remain defeated and hence the inevitability of acquainting oneself with the basic rules of English grammar.
How one can improve one's spoken English depends on where one lives and particularly on whether or not one lives in Englishspeaking community.
If one hears English spoken everyday and mixes freely with English speaking people, that on the whole is an advantage.
How one can improve one's spoken English depends on where one lives and particularly on whether or not one lives in English speaking community.
If one hears English spoken everyday and mixes freely with English speaking people, that on the whole is an advantage.


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