Friday, 17 March 2017

Essay Writing Tips In Qatar

When you are looking for the best in online assignment help in Abu Dhabi or any of the cities of UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, then Tutor Guru can provide a quality and affordable solution tailored to your personal requirements. Assignments have become an essential part of academic assessment, with universities throughout the UAE and Gulf States modelling their courses and assessment criteria on those used by major universities in the UK, the USA and Australia. There are many international institutions with campuses established in the region such as the University of Wollongong and Murdoch University (Australia), New York University (USA) and Heriot-Watt University and Middlesex University (UK) that follow the curriculum and assessment standards of their parent body.

Students who are being assessed by assignments throughout the academic year, rather than through end of term or end of year examinations, are more likely to exhibit a higher quality of learning as has been shown by recent UK research studies. These research findings have supported the overall trend towards the use of continual assignment assessment by tertiary institutions to stimulate learning and provide a more accurate barometer of a student’s performance.

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